All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

2022 Oregon

Maiden Peak Scorcher

The mosquitoes were intense! The afternoon was incredibly hot, but aside from being a real leg burner on tge final ascent, thus is a very

2022 SoCal

Strawberry Peak

Started the hike at 6:45am from Redbox and finished after 4.5hrs with a casual pace. The first 2 miles are well shaded and refreshing! As

2022 Arizona Summer
David Daniele

Rainy Day at the Lookout

Was a great hike, accept, the weather was to be partly sunny, and the rain hit at the start of my decent.  Although I got

2022 Arizona Summer

North Wilson Mountain

This hike has up hill climbs and gradual incline all the way to the top. There are some parts of the trail that are rocky

2022 SoCal
Tien-Hsuan Chin

4th Peak- Cucamonga Peak

The hardest one for sure! it is hot and the elevation gain is not kidding!

2022 SoCal

Peak #4 – Cucamonga Peak

The hike was harder than we thought. It was a hot sunny day, with little shade and long distance hike. Manage to make it to

2022 Oregon
Debbie Freeman

Mt Bachelor Fun!

What a day!  It was HOT!  Hiked up and found the marker and enjoyed glissading down…cooled us off quickly!

2022 SoCal
Steven Nygaard


Summited with my daughter

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
