All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

2022 SoCal

Peak bagging

We started 5:30am where the weather still nice and breezy and finished 8 hours later with a 90 degree weather. We also summited Mount Burnham

2022 San Diego

I passed out but made it to the top

This hike had me push beyond my body's limits, the first 3 miles of this hike are strenuous to say the least. It's going all

2022 SoCal


Weather was sunny and high 60’s in the morning, but it did warm up to low 80’s. Some shade on the trail. The peak is

2022 Arizona Summer
Laurie Kollmann

Kendrick killer

Great hike for this old gal! Hikes like this keep me moving!

2022 SoCal

Buggy Baden Powell

We got to the trailhead at about 7:15am after making a bathroom stop at Vincent Gap. There wasn't a problem getting parking at that time

2022 SoCal

Bagged 3 Peaks

From Dawson Saddle, bagged Throop Peak and Mount Burnham on the way up to Baden Powell. Very little traffic on the trail, but ran into

2022 Las Vegas

Early Start on Turtlehead

Started our first hike of the Las Vegas Six-Pack bright and early by arriving at the gate right when they open at 6:00am. We hit

2022 SoCal

Mount Baden-Powell!

Hopefully this summit makes up for me flunking out of cub scouts as a child! This was an awesome hike. Was the first to the

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
