All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Southern California

The Dueling Peaks

Though you can tag three peaks on the course to hitting Sawmill we decided to just take on two since we had hiked the day

Southern California


Thinking if the restaurant was open my entire ascent. Mount Wilson is very rewarding.

Southern California

The Far-Off Trailhead

Adventure so far away from all the other peaks. They are fun, when you do all three for the 100 minute drive. This hike was

Southern California
Tracy Sanchez

Mt. Bald Baldy

This hiked kicked my butt going up. Got some elevation sickness almost to the summit but made it!

Southern California

Strawberry Peal with Vince and Sharee

Took Sharee and Vince up Redbox Canyon.  It was their first time and my second time up.  It was nice catching up with both of

Southern California
Kathy Ehrlich

Santiago Peak

Loved the hike until Main Divide Road; it was hot and dusty and seemed never ending.  The peak itself is not pretty but the views

Not the Butte of All Jokes…

Winds were high but weather conditions were clear.  No bugs, but volcanic rock made footing difficult for quite a distance.

Bay Area

Wildflowers and snakes on Mt Umunhum

we planned to hike this in April but read about snow on the trail so we waited. Instead of snow we had snakes (a rattlesnake

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
