All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Bay Area

Mount Umunhim

Easy to moderate hike. Well maintained trail and shaded.

Las Vegas
Scott Kuhnhenn

Fletcher peak

Re-did this hike that, last year, made me want to do this six pack of peaks. Was an amazing time with my girlfriend. Beautiful day

New England

A little rain wasn’t stopping us

Couch and I hiked the Under mountain trail. The weather was overcast with some rain. In the first half a mile, you can see beautiful

San Diego

Adventure, Views, & Bugs

Bugs, bugs, bugs!  If I haven’t been direct enough thus far, please understand the bugs are unreal for essentially the entire trail. Hopefully, you have

Northern California

Is this the way?

We made it to the top in about 1.5hrs, we were huffing and puffing but we did it! There’s a pretty substantial elevation gain in

Arizona Summer

Saturday at O'Leary- Flagstaff AZ

Started at 8 am on a breezy Saturday in the low 60's. This is not a trail.  It is a road but beautiful scenery none

Arizona Summer

5 in the books, O'leary is a Done deal

Getting out of the Valley for some cooler hiking.  O'leary is a great hike, as long as you know that it's entirely on a dirt

Southern California


The trail was is good condition. No snow. Parking lot had plenty of availability. The weather was sunny, 55 degrees at 7am, and stayed cool

Southern California

Mt Baldy 🥾

Trail was clear until we got towards the summit. We walked through a couple snow patches, nothing that required extra gear! Lucked out with great

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
