All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Southern California
Ernie Estrada

Cucamonga Peak

Only one ice patch to go through. Spikes were not needed

Bay Area

Exploring the sacred peak

I started in afternoon, so during ascent it was quite hot but descent was quite chilly since it was almost sunset. The trail conditions were

Bay Area

Mt Tam is My Jam

Great hike to start off the Six Peaks Challenge! A beautiful day that started out foggy and became sunny by the time we reached the

Lake Tahoe
Nancy Eichhorn

Slippery Slopes on Mount Rose

Yahoo! My first peak for this challenge. I have been healing a fractured tibia so sitting much of March, April, and some of  May .

San Diego
Aniko Mezei

Cuyamaka Peak

I started at the Paso Picacho campground and made my way to the Cuyamake Peak via the Azalea Glen Trail. It was great to hike

New Mexico

Boulder fields and wild flowers!

Started at 6:30am to at least avoid the sun heading up. Took 3.5 hours to get to the summit. Then another 3.5 getting down. Pretty

Kristina Rand

Peak blooms on Lookout Peak

I have never seen this zone so green and lush! The trail was in great shape except for a short section of muddy trail after

Bay Area

Mount Umunhum

Slow, gentle climb. Met lots of other hikers. Signs describing the building at the top. It's HUGE!

San Diego

Bug Ambush

First, I thought the weather was going to be chill and cloudy (my mistake for not checking the weather more thoroughly), but it turned out

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
