Hike Log

My Mt. Baldy Experience


Church Trail down Backbone

Trail Conditions:




You know when you feel like you're never gonna get there, and then all of a sudden you see the glorious finish? This is kind'a what happened to me here. I had just signed up to take the 6 peak challenge. I had just looked for groups to join. Prior to this I was doing small solo hikes. Theres so many feelings that go into doing something so challenging yet so rewarding. I was named MichaelAngelo from the ninja turtles not the artist, cause I was sooooo slow. But I made it to the top. My first peak my first big challenge. I am grateful for the opportunity and the friends I made while doing this hike. I will come back and post some pictures that are in my other computer…. I can't wait to do the rest and finish this and many more challenges Ill be getting myself into. Did I mention I just started hiking in January? By February I had stopped smoking. (I had smoked on and off since I was 13 when my cousin and I used to take some Benson & Hedges from the refrigerator where her dad kept them). Thank you Social Hiker. Thank you Friends that Hike LA, to my friends Leon and Julio for not letting me finish alone.


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