Beautiful day for a hike! Three friends and I (one who is also signed up for this challenge) decided to see how far we could get for a quick two-three hour hike before Super Bowl festivities began. Started at Macedo Ranch Staging area and hooked up with the Summit Trail. Lots of folks in Rock City. Got to see some fossils.We ended up getting so close to the summit by our halfway time, that we just went for it after debating the ramifications for potentially being late. Took us about 5 hours total. It got a little warm toward the top, but the crowds were light, and the trails were amazing. When we got to the summit, we could see all the places: golden gate, SF, snow on the Sierras, and we even caught Mt. Shasta…probably only visible because it had snow. Made up a lot of time on the downhill by running quite a bit.