Another epic hike with Hike Beyond the Hills hiking crew! San Gorgonio Mountain (11,503’) is the highest peak in SoCal.
This is a very challenging mountain to climb due to distance and elevation. We approached it via South Fork Trail/Dry Lake and Mine Shaft Saddle. It took us 11 hours + several stops to refuel and lunch at the summit.
Not gonna lie, this was a HARD hike! The last 2 miles back to TH were the longest 2 miles-ever because at that point we just wanted to get back to our car! Luckily, the weather was not the 80-90 degree forecasted, but nice, mild temps all the way to the finish.
San Gorgonio Wilderness sustained massive damage from the El Dorado wildfire back in 2020, but Mother Nature heals with her show of spectacular display of wildflowers along the mountains.
Total 22.85 miles, with 4,811’ total elevation gained, burned total 2,974 kcal.
Hike Log
Another epic hike to San G
Type of Hike:
Day hike
Trail Conditions:
Trail in good condition
Road suitable for all vehicles
No bugs
Snow free