Hi, I’m Aiden, and this is my Team, Henry, Rich, Gavin, and Landen. Unfortunately, only me and Gavin were able to come on the Baden-Powell hike. So anyways, let me tell you abou it. We had an hour and a half long drive until we got to the trail head. We did a day hike and the wether was hot and sunny so that made it hard. The trail was narrow and steep that was another thing that made it hard, so we hiked 5 miles to the peak and we had non-alcoholic ginger beer. It was fun looking at the memorial of Baden-Powell, Fun Fact, Baden-Powell was the one who started Boy Scouts, They named a Mountain after him! It was also fun looking at the flag and doing are yell, but we had to go back home. We hiked another 5 miles back down and went home. We did 10 miles total that day and that was me and Gavin’s longest day hike was ever!
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