Hike Log

Cowabunga Cucamonga


Icehouse Canyon

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No bugs


Snow free

Somehow I got here on a day that no one else wanted to hike. (And yes- trail was open, it was before the weekday closures!) I came across maybe 10 or so other people, but I was expecting more people. Even the people I came across were wondering where everyone was! That’s on with me though! I was really tired starting this hike. It was a last minute decision, as I was supposed to do a different hike but couldn’t at the last minute. Even then, once I decided I would come to this trailhead, I thought about just going to Timber Mountain and calling it a day. I should know myself better though, if I have something in my mind and it is safe enough to do- I will do it. Plus, I seem to find energy on the trail once I get going. I got to the saddle, had some brunch, and decided I should go for it. Glad I did! This is also a really beautiful hike. Sorry to Baldy lovers- I liked this one more. I especially liked hiking alongside the creek. I definitely plan to be there on a warm afternoon and jump in. I almost was tempted on the way back. Sadly- my endorphin high from the hike was quickly tampered when I got back to my car and saw some asshole had jammed something into my cars only manual lock. I had absolutely nothing visible in my car. Someone said they may have been trying to steal the car? Thankfully they are also a stupid criminal or got scared away- because they failed. They didn’t even get inside. Just messed up my lock to make it manually unusable and make this hike a bit more expensive for me. I’m a little nervous to park at this trailhead again, but I enjoyed this hike and the area so much that I’m sure I will risk it again.


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