Hike Log

El Cajon Mounatin – #5 of 2022 Challenge


El Cajon Mountain Trail off Wildcat Canyon Road

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No bugs


Snow free



The weather was perfect for this hike; cloudy, temperatures between 50-70, and not too windy. This trail starts out mild but the last two “peaks” as we referred to them were quite steep at points and at the end I was heaving myself up rocks trying to use my arms as much as possible. I would highly recommend hiking poles if you have them especially for the trek back to help alleviate some pressure from your knees and to help in some of the more steep slippery areas. I highly recommend to make sure you prepare properly with good hiking shoes, at least 3 L of water/person, snacks or lunch to refuel, and even some salt packets to help stop and prevent leg cramps. Overall I am glad I was able to complete this with a group of friends to help push me, but I know I was not in as good of shape as I should have been for this hike.


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