Hike Log

Mount Wilson


Little Santa Anita Canyon

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No bugs


Snow free

This was an interesting one to say the least lol. God of War had me staying up late and waking up even later.  I started this one at 1pm, and knew I would be racing the clock, since it gets dark wayyy too early now. The estimated time to finish this one is about 9 hours..  so unless I hauled ass, I was going to be hiking in the dark until 10pm. The plus side of starting late like a dummy- I got to see one of the greatest sunsets I've seen in my life.

I made it up in about 3 hours, and luckily a nice lady named Jaclyn gave me her head lamp for the descent. Total life saver, because I spent the second half of the hike completely in the dark by myself. I have never been more scared of getting eaten by a mountain lion in my life lol. But it was kinda nice to confront those fears and learn how to stay calm out there by myself. Finished in 6 hours (yeet)… but from now on, I'm going to wake up early for hikes like a big boy.

The trail itself is awesome. Its pretty easy to follow, with a decent amount of people out there. The uphill section is steep, but its a consistent steepness that allows you to get into a groove. Miles 3-5 were definitely the toughest, knowing you have so much left, but you've already covered so much elevation gain. It's a great challenge and it's extremely convenient to drive from LA. I'll probably try to beat my time in the future.

It was pretty hilarious that when I got to the top of the mountain, there were people who I guess drove to the top & were taking TikTok videos lmao. “Influencers in the wild” – Jaclyn the head lamp savior


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