Hike Log

Rescue lost hiker hike.



Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Minor obstacles posing few problems


Road suitable for all vehicles


No Bugs


Trail snow-covered at times – Gear and expertise recommended



First time with Crampons. 

It keeps getting steeper and steeper about to break out the ice ax.

Mt. San Gorgonio 


Made it down to the end of the continous snow to where the patches of snow begin.


Was talking of my crampons could here a person yelling.


Found the person yelling.

Had to trudge back up through the snow about a 1/3 mile to get to him. Was a Korean man that couldn't find his friend.
I called 911, they transferred me to San Bernardino County Sherriff, they transferred me to thier search & rescue department.
I was able to get our pin drop location sent to them.
They take it very seriously and jumped right on it.
Sheriff started a sweep of parking locations, trailheads & campgrounds. They put me on the phone with the helicopter pilot.
I came here with a friend from a hiking club and fellow Lakesider Chris Eveland. Chris found the lost hiker before anyone else.
I tried to get the helicopter to give me and the Korean man a ride out.
They were circling over head but wouldn't do it. Hiked out with the Korean about 6 miles. Was a 14 mile day in total with 4,700 elevation gain.
Made to the vehicle just before dark. Home about 11:pm.
Arrive parking lot jobsite 6:am Monday morning.
I can feel it, but going to work will be like getting some rest compared to yesterday.


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