Some fat old guy finally got around to hiking to the summit of Mount Baldy. For my sins I went up I went up Register Ridge, and RR chastised me for my sloth and lasstitude.
Register Ridge is definitely not easy, 1960′ elevation gain in the second mile. It's unrelentingly steep and steeper with no little level sections to give you a break. It's uphill all the way. And then another 1,000′ once you get to the DB trail and head up to the summit. 3,914′ gain according to my AllTrails tracker. Who knows if that's right? Sounds about right. It's definitely no trail for a fat old man, but it's the one I chose, and I got up it. Eventually. I once again successfully defended my record of slowest time up this trail.
Once on top I took a couple of minutes and then headed down Ski Hut trail. That descent beat me up too, but I suffered through it. Sunburned and footsore. 1st ascent of Mount Baldy is in the books. I'll try to get back a few more times this year.