Hike Log

Mount Wilson – A Beast!


Mount Wilson via Little Santa Anita Canyon

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


Bugs were not too bad


Snow free

We started at 5 a.m., got to the summit at 12 p.m. via the Fire Road, rested for about 1.5 hours. We couldn't find the official signs but took lots of pictures at the top and found a survey near the parking lot overlook. We were told the signs were stolen and that the official peak was right near the cafe… a little mound close to the bathrooms. All Trails didn't lead us to anything other than a picnic area… others from our same group (left at different times), found the signs. I guess they are toward the Observatory?

Either way, this was the hardest peak I've done. I am ridiculously sore and was cussing a throwing mini tantrums each time I almost slipped or did slip. I walked so slow on the last 2 miles of the descent.

We saw a bear at one point, but it went down the mountain.

Overall an amazing experience, but not repeating any time soon!


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