Hike Log

Baldy via Devils Backbone – Loop


Mount Baldy – Falls road/Baldy road.

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road rough but passable


No Bugs


Snow free

Friday the 13th was a lucky day, we started early 5:30am, no cars at the parking lot (Falls road/Baldy road) it was a cold morning but as we got to the ski lodge (the Notch ) the sun was coming up and time to shed some layers, after that it was just up to the summit via the Devils backbone, the trail was great and apart from the last mile fairly good (the last miles is a leg workout for sure) it was a total of 7.5 miles carpark to the summit this way.   The summit had 1-2 other hikers and the views where awesome. great 360 visibility.  I had lunch there and it was perfect (no bugs to speak of) cool and not to hot.  I took the Baldy bowl trail down to complete the loop and as my first time on Baldy I wanted to check this trail out.  (I know going back via the devils backbone would have been longer but I wish I had)  The Baldy bowl trail was a lot of twists and turns and loose gravel (Hiking poles a must), it did take me by the Ski hut and the falls which were in full flow, overall not to bad and great to see the full loop.   It was a great hike, hard for me at 60 but well worth the effort for sure.


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