Hike Log

SB peak – YOLO style


San Bernardino Peak

Type of Hike:


Trail Conditions:

Trail difficult/impossible to navigate


Road rough but passable


No Bugs


Trail snow-covered at times – Gear and expertise recommended

Pretty much snow free until just before Limber Pine bench. Lots of water from manzanita flat to just before Limber Pine bench.  Tried the trail from there and elected to just go straight up and avoid the serious postholing and sketchy terrain. Once we got close to San Bernardino peak, we stayed pretty close to the real trail. I captured some of our cross country on Gaia.

We went all the way to Trail fork campground and spent the night; the spring was under snow but luckily there was a small trickle flowing out of some of the snow. Weather was chilly, especially up on the peak and overnight (water froze).

We were going to attempt Gorgonio the next day but conditions were worse and we didn't want to risk it.

We had micro spikes and trekking poles.


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