Hike Log

Mt Wilson kicked my butt!


Chantry Flats

Trail Conditions:




Mt Wilson was the first of my 6-pack. The weather forecast predicted very unpleasant conditions but we actually had an amazingly clear and beautiful day (although VERY cold)! I was the slowest in our group of 4 and it took us 4 1/2 hours up and 3 1/2 hours down.
All in all this was a fairly mellow hike, in that there wasn't a ton of elevation gain. But the distance and the miles of walking (especially since I've not done much hiking over the past couple of weeks) definitely kicked my butt! I have some knee problems that kicked in for me on the descent and so recommend anyone with similar problems, this is a hike to KT tape your knees for sure.
Although cold, we couldn't have asked for better weather. Because it had rained earlier in the week, we had totally clear skies as far as you could see with BRILLIANT views!!! Everyone always says that the summit of this peak isn't as spectacular as the hike itself because you basically end up at a parking lot (true). But what was nice on our hike was, because it was so cold, there were barely any people at the top except for other hikers. So it wasn't like the rumored tales of hiking your ass off and then seeing a minivan full of people get out and run around you. Quite the opposite…it was quiet and the observatory was beautiful. The day was gorgeous and the view from the top was spectacular.
This hike…well, like every hike really…was a big milestone for me. I've been slowly building up to be stronger with altitude, elevation gain and distance. Wilson was all about the distance and I was sore the next day for sure, but doing it on a cold winter day with no bugs, not that many people on the trail, and clear views ….talking and hanging with friends was the perfect set up for a great hike!


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