This was a very fun hike. I will definitely do it again. The views looking out into the valley are beautiful.
The first 0.93 miles of the hike are on a fairly narrow, steep, rocky trail. There were three places where I had to bend down and scoot under trees that had fallen across the trail. At the 0.93 mile point from the trailhead the trail joins a fireroad. You go left on the fireroad and it will take you all the way up to the summit. The fireroad is mainly dirt and has some ruts and rocks but is much easier hiking than the initial trail. At about 2 miles the fireroad loops to the right at a large boulder that had some climbing gear attached to it (but I didn't see any climbers). According to posts on line this rock is referred to as “The Bubble”.At the 4 mile point the trail splits. The path to the summit is the one on the right, the one on the left goes to a different, lower summit. At about the 4.3 mile point there is what appears to be a new sign on the right hand side of the trail which warns hikers about the microwave towers at the summit. Basically it says that they could be dangerous and anyone continuing past that point does so at their own risk. I kept going and didn't notice anything untoward. As you get closer to the summit you can see multiple buildings and towers. The actual summit was 5.1 miles from the trailhead by my GPS. There are some rocks and a plaque along with the multiple building and towers at the top.
The weather today was good. Nice and cool (in the 50's). No rain or snow. And there were very few muddy spots. There was some brisk wind in areas as you got closer to the top. After the first mile or so the hike is out in the open so remember your water and sun protection.