Hike Log

The final peak!


Angelus Oaks

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Minor obstacles posing few problems


Road rough but passable


Bugs were not too bad


Snowfields to cross – could be difficult

So we initially attempted this hike on Memorial Day, but turned around before the monument due to time and the fact that there was several inches of fresh snow present. So round 2 was the first of June! We woke up late, still made it to trailhead by 0830 and it wasn't full. The parking lot for this is a bit tricky to find and the road getting back to it is very rocky and hard to pass in some spots (I have a Jeep and was able to get over the one huge hole that is going over the one turn and other cars were in the parking lot as well, just be aware). No snow was present until right after Timber Pines where the switchbacks are. Good luck trying to get over the switchbacks as some spots are very snow covered. Once you get to the “top” of the switchbacks, before you cross the chute to head up to the monument, there was small snow patches. After that chute, it is 100% snow covered, no trail is present. We had spikes, axes, and poles and made it, but those last 1.5-2 miles were fairly slow going. If you have crampons, I'd say bring them. Once you get to the ridge, it is a walk of false hope and lies! I only say that because every time we walked up a snow covered hill, we thought we were so close to summit! We passed a group of 4 guys descending as we were about .2 miles away and a couple with their dog (who's birthday it was that day!) made it to summit about 15 minutes after us. It had hailed/iced on us walking up towards the ridge and there were patches of clouds and sun at the summit. We saw grey clouds moving in so we started our descend a little later than planned, and it started to rain on us back near Timber Pines and on and off until the wilderness sign. It was a 12 hour day total, including stop and summit and all breaks. Peak 12/12 was great and that is such a beautiful trail. The flowers and everything that is blooming really make it. We had also seen fresh bear prints in the snow on our Monday attempt, which was super cool! Now we're going to do the original 6 and start taking longer overnight hiking and camping trips, since our JMT SoBo journey starts 61 days from today!


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