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Homepage Forums Six-Pack of Peaks Challengeā„¢ Q&A Micro Spikes / Crampons Reply To: Micro Spikes / Crampons

  • Matt Bartlett

    February 23, 2018 at 8:22 pm

    Get Kahtoola. They’ve never failed me and I can walk on gravel etc without the spikes bending. I would echo what Jeff and others have said, if it’s sketchy and you aren’t absolutely sure of yourself, turn around. I’ve done it and didn’t feel bad about it. That being said, don’t be afraid to push yourself either. Basically know your limits but if you think you can push safely…do it. I’ve never regretting pushing either. With regards to hiking in snow, my buddy and I made a deal to do as many of these peaks in the snow as possible. It has been an absolute blast and one of the greatest experiences of my life in recent memory. There is nothing like it. However, you should be prepared. Know how to walk with spikes. Have trekking poles for stability. And most importantly, keep your wits about you. Hiking in the snow is fun but pay attention and again, don’t be afraid to turn back if you realize you bit off more than you can chew.

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