Hike Log

No Prep Mt. Wilson


Chantry Flat

Trail Conditions:




6am start. 55 degrees. Shorts and two layer poly. No preparation for hike except a 3 hr Griffith Park 3 weeks ago. Just go for it!
Plenty of water (3L), didn't take enough nutrician. Gatorade, banana and Bit of Honey kicked in after eating at the “rest here” sign about 1 1/2 mile from top. PBJ sandwich , 3 Gatorades and a side of pickle slices at the Cosmos Cafe fueled the Manzanita via Winter Creek descent. Missed the Hoagee Camp return route (blue line in route map). WC required an uphill slog from Hoagee Camp, but eliminated the last uphill at the end of the Santa Anita route. 8 hour travel time and 1hr lunch. 16# pack.


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