Another great day on the trail! I stepped off today from the Oak Grove Trailhead at about 0730. The first 2 miles are mostly on a single track trail and was clear of snow. There were several downed trees and branches making it a little bit of a challenge to get around.
After 2 miles, I hit the Oak Grove Truck Trail. There were several patches of snow to start, and then within about the 3.5 or 4 mile mark the snow was consistent, covering the entire road and surrounding areas. I put on micro spikes once the snow became consistent with a depth of about 4 to 8 inches. The trail is well packed and easy to travel.
Once on the High Point Truck Trail (final 1.5 miles to the summit) the snow level was consistently at or above 12 inches. Still packed well and easy to traverse in spikes. There were a few downed trees blocking the road, but it wasn’t difficult to get around them. I had the trail and the summit to myself all day.
Ended up with 13.75 miles and about 3600’ in total elevation gain. Temps were a mild 51 degrees when I stepped off. Summit was mid 50’s and, as I finished the hike around 1400, temps had climbed to a comfortable 65 degrees.
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