3-2-1? Why not 4, since you're already there? It was a perfect day to take on Pinos, Sawmill, Grouse, and Cerro N. Day started out 40s, sunny, and blue, and no grey skies in sight until late afternoon, when it turned cold enough for two, yes, 2 pairs of gloves. Good # of people out and about catching the last of the snow – there are a couple of places with 2 – 3 foot deep snow left on Pinos/Tumamait Trails – just plant your heels, and you'll be fine. A great weekend to be out and about.

Hike Log
4 is better than 3…2…1
Type of Hike:
Day hike
Trail Conditions:
Trail in good condition
Road suitable for all vehicles
No Bugs
Intermittent snow – not hard to cross