Hike Log

9/18 San Gorgonio


South Fork Trail


Type of Hike:


Trail Conditions:

Obstacles on trail


Road suitable for all vehicles


No bugs


Trail snow-covered at times – Gear and expertise recommended



San Gorgonio

March 7th-8th, 2020

3 take aways from this hike; and then some:

  1. We hiked starting from the south fork trail. Our schedule was approximately as so:


  • 8:00am: Start Trail
  • 11:00am: Got to Dry Lakes to camp
  • 5:30pm: Sunset
  • 6:30pm: Slept to get plenty of rest (Spring forward was the next day, loss of 1 hr)


  • 4:30am: Woke Up at Dry Lakes
  • 5:15am: Start from Dry Lakes
  • 8:00am: At the north face chute
  • 8:30am: Top of the ridge
  • 9:00am: Summit
  • 9:15am: Back down
  • 11:15am: Back at Dry Lakes
  • 12:00pm: Packed up and hiked out
  • 2:00pm: Back at the car
  1. A ton of snow past the 4th mile. We were post-holing A LOT. It made it very tiring. You will definitely feel it going up the chute forsure, try your best to stay on compact snow so you aren't falling into holes.
  2. From the parking lot to the campgrounds we only ran into a ranger who stayed at Dry Lakes with us, his name was George. He was very helpful and super nice, he also checked our permits to stay at Dry Lakes. But from Dry Lakes to the summit we were the only ones on the trail.
  3. Bring water filters! This helped us carry less than we should have because we filled up near Dry Lakes.

Extra notes:

  • Not easy during the snow season. It was mentally tough summitting but we did it!
  • Things I would have brought: forgot my headlamp (but it was a full moon :), more food, extra pair of socks (i had 2x pairs of socks), sunscreen
  • It may be obvious, but I will still state it: Crampons & Ice Axe required. Snowshoes would be helpful.

ALSO: I did not record my climb up the chute on all trails, i forgot to restart the recording.


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