The rain stopped for a few days which was perfect to get this last hike in. I have been battling plantar fascitis and remember how tough this hike was last year so we decided on a more direct route. We started in Stinson Beach and took the Dipsea Trail to the Steep Ravine Trail. This portion of the Steep Ravine Trail was my favorite part. It follows a creek which was flowing rapidly from the recent rain. At one point there was a fallen tree we had to climb through. Near the end of the trail there is a ladder to climb beside a waterfall. Once we reached Pantol we took the Old Stage Road and the Old Railroad Grade Fireroad to the East Peak summit of Mt. Tamalpais. The view from the top of Mt. Tam never disappoints so we lingered there for a bit before heading back down along the same trail.

Hike Log
A break in the rain to hike Mt. Tamalpais.
Type of Hike:
Day hike
Trail Conditions:
Minor obstacles posing few problems
Road suitable for all vehicles
No bugs
Snow free