Hike Log

A Hike To Remember


Angelus Oaks

Trail Conditions:




This was the second time going up to San Bernardino Peak. This time around I summited San Bernardino Peak with Friends. The day was perfect, no wind at all at the peak. Perfect for a day hike. It was a fun hike. The view and every corner of San Bernardino Mountain.. were amazing.. ????..

▪A little recaps. First attempt (March 24, 2018) to summit San Bernardino Peak was unsuccessful due to the snows and icy pathways on the way up to the summit. We passed Limber Campground. A little miles away from the campground was the disaster event. We were 1.5 miles away from the summit and we had to go back down for our safety. It was the unforgettable event. The hike that I will always remember.. that will engraved inside me and my skins. THANKFUL????

The Hike:
▪We started at 0600. It was cold in the morning. I didn't think it will be cold and so windy. Before I got to the trailhead, I checked the weather forecasts and it said 5 mph wind. It didn't felt like 5 mph wind to me. It was more like 25-30 mph. We continued hiking with a good pace. But everytime we had to take a little break, it was cold. The wind made it too cold for us to take breaks. We just kept hiking until we reached the nearby junction for Limber Campground. We took our breakfast break for atleast 15 minutes. I noticed that after we passed the junction for the other trails. The winds were seldom. Some area were windy and some none. But it was still a perfect weather except the windy part.
▪We took atleast 10 minutes break at the Limber Campground before summiting. At this point, no wind anymore. After the campground, there were patches of snows. Not alot though.. just some area. No need for microspikes. We were like 0.2 miles away from the summit and snows were filing. I meant its doable but we couldn't see the trails. So at this rate, we just aimed for the peak and did our own trails. We summited San Bernardino Peak at 1130. We stayed a little over an 1 hour at the top. We just chilled and enjoyed the view.

Trails Condition:
▪The trails are well maintained. No need for GPS or Map. But for safety, always bring it with you. Easy to follow. No cutting switch back. Definitely, you will not get lost on the trails. During our hike, a little patches of snows. When snows are not present. Definitely trails are easy to follow towards the peak.


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