Hike Log

A hike to remember


Skyline Trail / Cactus to Clouds Trail

Type of Hike:


Trail Conditions:

Trail difficult/impossible to navigate


Road suitable for all vehicles


No bugs


Snow free

Parked on the side street (N. Belardo Rd.)  next to the garage lot across the Art Museum. At the time there other hikers arriving but there was still plenty of parking. Started the hike a little after midnight from the Skyline trail. The hike starts off with a pretty steep incline. Goal was to stop every hour for a quick break an a bite to eat whether we needed it or not. This way we ensured we had proper nutrition and were not pushing to hard at the being of the hike when the body is still rested.  You will need to pay attention to the white dots other hikers have placed as it is easy to miss a turn. You will find some picnic table, just above the picnic takes if you go off course a little you will find some workout equipment.  As you climb you will see skyline views of palms spring, beautiful at night. There are a few rescues boxes along the trail where you can either take something or leave something for someone else whom might need it. As you continue climbing and continue to enjoy the Palm Spring skyline. I am glad I did this part of the hike at night, as I could not see the elevation gain. There are a few areas where we went off course so make sure your navigation system is fully charged or you have a map, it is very easy to loose the trail as you get further along the way in some areas where it is not clearly marked. Watching the Sunrise from the trail was absolutely amazing. Once you go behind the first mountain peak you are able to see a blue light at a distance which is where the Aerial tram is located it was a good indicator to know we were on the right track.  Just be aware the last part before getting to Grubb's Notch is steep and there is no clear marked trail again, in some areas it was a scramble not only to climbed but to figure out where the trail was actually at. Getting to Grubb's Notch was a relief and happy to see the Rangers station. (You will need to get your permit there) From the Rangers station to the summit you will come across many amazing views and happy the the incline is not as steep. Made it to the hut tired and lack of sleep, I thought that was the summit but was told nope the summit was just a few more feet. Another scramble through boulders to get to the summit which was windy and very cold. Enjoyed the views from the summit. Glad and thankful, for my hiking partner and all the support I had along the way.


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