Hike Log

A Storm is a Brewing!


Vivian Creek


Type of Hike:


Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


Bugs were an annoyance


Snow free


After my hike up Baldy the day before, I was a little nervous about the big task ahead of me with the distance of San Gorgonio. But I figured, I was running out of time to get my hikes in before it gets too cold and with my Jury Duty Hookie plan in place I had the time I just had to do the deed!  I spent the night at Vivian Camp, which was very disappointing. There were fallen trees and not very nice spots to pitch a tent. Nothing flat and the mosquitos were horrible. I basically through me tent up and retreated inside and went to sleep. When I woke up, I did everything I could inside my tent and then as fast as possible wrapped up my stuff and got out of there. I stashed my pack and took my fanny pack up to the top. Today the weather looked like it might be an issue. I also discovered that another challenge was going on this week. It was a 8000 Meter challenge where the participants hike Baldy, Gorgonio and Jacinto in 24 hours. What! now that is a challenge. So as I leisurely walked up this mountain, those participants were moving'! Now this trail was a beautiful  walk though a magnificent forest with massive redwood trees and babbling creeks and flowers and the views were breathtaking. So the 17+ miles to the top were awesome..

When I got near the top the storm started to build and the thunder was rumbling and some lighting could be seen in the distance. The other challenge hiker were going as fast as they could to try and beat the storm, unfortunately  by the time I go near the summer they organizers were turning those runners back as they couldn't risk them getting hit by lightning.  I made the decision that I felt the storm was moving away and I was only minutes from the summit. My thinking was correct as the storm did move away and I safely  made it to the top! Lucky for me another hiker was camping up there…yeah there is one spot on the top and he was very nice to take my picture for me. So thanks to Caterpillar for that! But with the unpredictable storm on the horizon, it would be best to get down as quick as possible.

Now since the other hikers were turned around before I got to the top, I now was all by myself for my hike down. This is a magnificent mountain and the views are awesome, especially the view of San Jacinto, which will be my last hike of this challenge, so getting to see Jacinto from this view point was motivating.  Coming down, my tired legs were complaining the whole time. After, my two summits, I was a very tired hiker!  I was looking forward getting to my car and heading home.

So in the end my plan on using my Stand By Jury duty time to get these Peaks Conquered was successful and I am a happy and tired hiker!



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