Hike Log

A Twofer Weekend


Vivian Creek

Trail Conditions:




Rich and I did San Jacinto the day before, albeit from the tram. I did it a couple of weeks ago, but I promised I would go. Since it was a long weekend we decided to use our Sunday to hike San G.
We took off around 6, on a chilly day, but quickly warmed up going up to Vivian Creek. We're not the fastest on the trail, but we ground our way up. It's not a tough hike, but it is a long one and a steady climb. We got passed a lot, but we made it by 1. Slow and steady may not win the race, but it finishes it. Besides we weren't racing.
Once at the top we took the obligatory pictures, swapped stories with other hikers and plotted our future hikes.
Of course at the top you're only half way there, you still have to get down. We hit the trail after 2 and headed back down. We ain't trail runners so it took us a while, but it's a pleasant hike and a beautiful day. One foot in front of the other and sooner or later, more later than sooner, we we're down and on our way to the A&W in Mentone for a root beer float and a cheeseburger.
It was a great hike, my 7th time to the summit. Since starting the 6 Pack 4 years ago I've been places I never dreamed I could go and back then couldn't have gotten to if I wanted to. This peak is one of them. When you're standing on top of San G you realize how lucky you are and how blessed to be there.


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