I guess all of my hikes are going to be fruit themed moving forward. Going to have to find a good C fruit for next week.
anyways – I got to the trailhead this morning around 7 and I am most curious about why a third party is now charging $5 for parking and you have to have this special pass? This trail head lot is no different than any other – with maybe worse bathrooms – but for some reason you need to pay this outside service instead of using your park pass. I just don’t understand why they need a third party service for this or why on earth they should be able to charge MORE to park than they already do. This was just an observation I made upon arrival – curious if anyone knows why it has been set up this way.
For the trail itself, I was enjoying the repetition of the switchbacks, enjoyed the cooler temps, and enjoyed the view. So all in all it was a lovely hike. I’d never been up that way – might have to go back in the winter for some skiing! I didn’t know there was a resort there!