Hike Log

Bears at Mount Wilson, oh my!


Sierra Madre

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No bugs


Snow free

Yooo this was a trek! This was the hardest hike I've done so far and it did not disappoint! It started in the first mile with a bear sighting, and in fact, three bears: mama bear and two cubs. We followed them up the trail slowly for about a mile. A pair of hikers coming down from the top had to scramble up the hillside to let the bears pass. The bears finally took a fork in the trail down to the creek, so we could speed back up.

It was a great hike. The trail is well maintained. Once we hit the upper half of the trail, we stopped seeing people coming down. The top was a bit confusing. We missed the trail turn off and ended up on the road near the top. It was VERY difficult to figure out where the actual peak was. I swear I saw someone recently post a hike to Mount Wilson and they had a summit sign, but we couldn't find it anywhere. So we probably wandered a good mile or two around the observatory and grounds at the top looking for it. Never did find it haha.

The hike down was long and our legs were tired, but it was totally worth it!


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