Hike Log

Can’t Wait for the Pie


Volcan Mountain Wilderness Preserve

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


Bugs were not too bad


Snow free

Beautiful morning, blue bird day with cool breeze to start.  I’ve climbed Volcan in the fall and winter and this would be my first early summer climb.  Started early with a couple deer.  The sun was hot and warmed the trail fast but the trees provided much needed shade.  The bugs loved the shade too. But there was not time to linger because pie was waiting in Julian.  The last 1.5 miles to the top crosses a wide open ridge with views to the marine layer on the coast and mountains and desert to the North and East.  Passed a few friendly faces long the way but mostly enjoyed the beautiful hike with just a couple hawks. Fantastic morning.  Look forward to returning to Volcan.


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