This was a very challenging hike for me! The first mile+ is single track and very technical in parts. I was able to do it though and the next 4 miles to top were ok at the start but got harder for me as it keeps climbing. There is shade in small areas during this 4 mile trek on fire roads however lots of open sunny areas. It got warm but thanks to the cool breeze in parts, it gave some relief. I recommend not doing this trail in summertime and if you do go really early! My friends were so helpful to me and leant me electrolytes and water when I ran out. There unfortunately is no bathrooms and no water source on the entire hike. Bring plenty of water and snacks! One of our group members brought an awesome spread to the top of cheese, crackers, salami, olives, grapes, champagne and chocolate! It was delicious and so freaking cool! Overall it was a good day and I am very glad I completed it!

Hike Log
Challenging Mt. Saint Helena
Type of Hike:
Day hike
Trail Conditions:
Minor obstacles posing few problems
Road suitable for all vehicles
Bugs were not too bad
Snow free