Hike Log

Cloud City


Ice House Canyon

Trail Conditions:




My adventure partner and I ventured out on an awesome adventure! The first part of the Trail, Ice House Canyon, is unlike any other trail. It felt like it took you back into the times of fairies and dragons, hobbits and their shire, a total Lord of the Rings feel to it. The climb up is a steady one but nothing horrible. After 3.5 miles we reached the saddle where it was beyond windy and cold! Trying to bunker down near a tree to block the wind while trying to fuel up was a bit hard but no matter the challenge we stuck it out. We put our packs back on and kept on trekkin! From that point on every turn, every hard switchback, every scary sketchy part took us to a view that gave us such a Jurassic Park moment having us saying “WHOA” and taking out our phones to snap a pic! We were literally above the clouds. Even had an amazing view of Baldy! Once we reached the marker for Cucamonga Peak we had about another 200 steps to hike up. Finally we made it! Views were beyond breathtaking, I felt like I was in Cloud City like in Star Wars! LOL. After a long break up at the top we made our way down. I was not a fan of the way down at all! The dreaded loose rock, sandy rock made it very difficult to keep from slipping so I had to use my trekking poles to stabilize my footing but ended up using my knees a bit more which by the last 2 miles of the hike I was in achy pain. All that rocky trail down caused my feet to become very achy as well. Overall it was a great hike and I would definitely do it again! Here's to #4 of 8, on to the next peak to bag!


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