Hike Log

Comeback Hike


Register Ridge at Manker Flat

Trail Conditions:




After getting off to a quick start with the Six Peak Challenge by completing the first peak on Jan 1 I discovered in February that I had severely damaged my articular cartilage in my left knee. I soon found myself under the care of a sports doctor who pulled me from all running and hiking for a season and sent me to physical therapy. At the end of March I was allowed to start easy hikes. A couple weeks later I took on Baldy with my friend Evelyn and it felt to good to be back. We chose Register Ridge which of course is crazy steep but it was awesome. The weather was perfect and there was no wind at the summit! We past a few snow patches along the way and then hiked down Devil’s Backbone. It was a wonderful day and a good comeback after being knocked out for awhile.


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