Hike Log

Corte Madera Connections


Kernan Road to Espinosa Trail

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Minor obstacles posing few problems


Road rough but passable


Bugs were an annoyance


Snow free



Beautiful views and a great challenge. Long sleeves are a must on this trail, very overgrown in some spots. Not much shade, but a little toward the beginning. It’s pretty buggy too, I personally was glad I had a net to wear. It gets rocky toward the end including one steep scramble. At the top, the views are totally worth it. Views on both sides of the surrounding mountains and the valley you hiked through. Tons of adrenaline standing at the edge of the rocks for a photo with the sign.

Hiked the first half and met not one soul, having started very early. At the top, I met two other hikers who invited me to join on the way down. 🙂 The second half, we encountered a few others on their way up and shared advice about the trail. It’s a really cool adventure and different trail.


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