Hike Log



Icehouse canyon

Trail Conditions:




Starting up Icehouse canyon there were very few cars in the parking lot. Weekday hikes are certainly the way to go if you can manage it.
I explored the ruins and cabins heading up, my favorite being the cabin with the outdoor lights and sign that says “WEE HI KIN”. At Icehouse saddle ran into a few hikers that weren't prepared for the ice on the Cucamonga peak trail and planned on heading down. Luckily I brought along micro spikes which I used a little on the side of Bighorn Peak and about the last mile and a half towards the peak on the shady side of the mountain. There were beautiful icicles hanging from the pines and the sound of melting snow all around.
Upon summiting the breeze died down and the views were clear enough to see San Jacinto, San Gorgonio, and even Catalina! Another perfect day to complete hike #2


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