Hike Log

Cucamonga killer (1st timer ?)


Ice house canyon


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Post from my IG:
????8,859 elevation, 4,300 feet of vertical gain..11.6 miles, hours and hours, achy feet and 2 melt downs later…I bagged my first peak yesterday. ??? not only physically challenging but mentally as well. I have a huge paralyzing fear of heights..1st breakdown..there’s some sketchy parts, one in particular that stopped me dead in my tracks (again I know for some this is easy, but steep drop offs terrify me combined with very little foot space ?), ..it’s like I forget how to put one foot in front of the other. I cried, hyperventilated a little, then calmed myself and got out of my head and proceeded with caution…2nd melt down..the last marker..I was sooo drained, my feet were achy, my legs were jelly..I could barely breath, I wanted to quit and turn back around. I felt like I couldn’t go anymore.. The peak was so close yet so far. Again the tears came…I wanted it so bad…to make it to the top..I just prayed to give me the strength and energy to make it to the top..so one step at a time with tears rolling down my face, I made it to the summit. That’s what those last 3 pictures don’t show…the hot mess that I was. Super huge shout out to my hiking angel @bigloudogswife for being there every step of the way, for being ready to turn back if I needed to, for comforting me when I was losing my shit, for making me laugh when I wanted to cry some more. I love you beyond words and couldn’t imagine sharing this experience with anyone else. And a huge thank you to our biggest cheerleaders @girlswhohikeoc @meliainthemountains it was so awesome to meet you ladies along the way, thank your for your encouraging words and support. And to that couple at the top (I know you’ll see this) thank you ❤️..So ya how cool is that..I bagged my first peak . 1 down 5 more to go ?? you literally can do anything you set your mind to. Patience, determination, and courage is what got me to the top. And lots and lots of water ? #couragetogrow #girlswhohike #cucamongapeak #6packofpeaks #dontletyourfearstopyou #yourcapableofsomuchmore #thanyouthink #mindovermatter


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