Hike Log

Cucamonga Schmucaschmonga


Icehouse Canyon

Trail Conditions:




You guys, this is seriously my least favourite trail. I mean, the peak is awesome – being so big, having epic views and photo opps, but why oh why must the trail be so narrow and sketchy? Those slippery scree slopes are the stuff of sweats and shakes for me, and there's two specific washed out sections of the trail, no longer than a stride across, but geez, it makes me panic for a hot second. But anyway, I digress. This summit is no. 5 in the 8POP for me, only have the 3 saints to go.

On this day though, the ascent was met with great conditions – blue skies, not too warm and strong winds through both saddles. Not long after getting my summit pics though, the clouds very rapidly blew over blanketing the top with a heavy fog and even stronger winds. We decided to come down pretty quickly, and were thankfully shielded from the worst winds by the side of Bighorn peak before coming back down to Icehouse Saddle.


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