Hike Log



Echo Canyon

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Minor obstacles posing few problems


Road suitable for all vehicles


No bugs


Snow free

Camelback has always been a busy place. I haven't hiked it in years for this reason. Today was no exception. Lol.

I forget how people can be sometimes. It seemed like today was drag your kid on a Bataan death March day. Why you would try to bring up a 5 year old to the top of CB is beyond me. It was entertaining I'll give it that. The trail was still wet and sorta muddy from the rain. The transition from wet to dry with somewhat muddy boots was a bit tricky.

I had a few close calls on the way down when someone decided they were going to just stop In front of everyone. I watched a hand full of people bust their backsides. Thankfully it wasn't my day for a broken butt.

Other than dodging the running of the suburbanites I'd say it was a beautiful time. Started at about 11am and made it back to my truck about 1pm. Great day all and all. Excited for the next peak.


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