Hike Log

Don’t Get Killed By a Quail


Oak Trail to High Point


Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No bugs


Snow free


Got to the trailhead at 6:35 am and wow what a wonderful morning. The drive to the trailhead along the 79 was beautiful. SW two animals that resembled foxes running thru tall grass!!! It was totally awesome!!! The parking was simple and navigating to the trailhead was a breeze. It was super clear out and the air was chilly and crisp!!! I wish I had a face covering but I will add it to my gear!!! I carried a loaded pack (20lbs), consisting g of 2 liters of water in a bladder, tent, sleep system, 10 essentials, layers, Jet boil, food, protein bars, dehydrated food, and mud water. I was to trying to simulate conditions I might face on less forgiving peaks.  The first 4.5 miles out me to the test.  The switch backs and ridge hiking at the begging are tough. It get tougher when you hit the endless fire road that just keeps going and going and going . This one is all up for about 5 miles and then it levels out till about the last 1/2 mile where the incline starts to make your legs burn!!! The reward at the end is worth it. A fantastic fire lookout tower and picnic tables!! I set up all my gear on the table and cooked up lunch and drank some mud water. Got a chance to talk with and take some picture of two fantastic ladies!!! Shared so food with them and then relaxed for about an hour on the summit. This was a fantastic hike with beautiful scenery. The whole time you are hiking you feel San Jacinto staring down at you.!!! Begging you to try and conquer her one day. I highly recommend this trail. It is a tough one.  Not as hard as El Cajon Mountain because it is up and down. Yet still very challenging. Despite taking 2 liters of water in a bladder and 0.5 liter spiked with 3 packets of electrolytes it wasn’t enough. I ran out at the end and was thirsty. Also it wasn’t very hot out either. So be prepared and bring  plenty of extra water.


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