Good hike for our group of three despite the heat wave in Southern California but apparently some drama for a group of two. About half-way between the saddle and the peak, we ran into a couple. The woman was on the phone apparently with some authorities. I heard a person on the phone telling the woman: “if the situation deteriorates, call us back”. We asked the woman if they needed help but she said they were OK. Someone in our group thought that the woman was injured but I thought that the man was very pale. On our way down from the summit, a sheriff helicopter stated hovering around their location and giving orders on the loud speaker. They stayed on scene about 15 minutes and left.
By the time we reached the couple on our way back, the man was now laying down covered to protect him from the heat. We asked what the problem was and she said dehydration. We again offered help or at least some liquid but the woman said that SAR or another helicopter was on it way. About 5 minutes later we saw the large rescue helicopter coming on scene. We did not see exactly if they were able to evacuate the man or if they just provided some help.
If you have some information about this incident, please post it below!
We could also see the Apple fire in the distance. It was almost gone in the morning but started again very strong on our way home.