We started off around 6:25am, just before sunrise. The weather was cool, but pleasant. The sky was beautiful! And then it was lots of uphill…and downhill…and more uphill. We stopped for some breakfast at the bench that’s a little after the three mile mark. (I’ll note here that there was no water station by this bench or around the one mile mark either). We carried on…it was tough, but we hung in there. We got to the part where you have to follow the green sticks and we made it to the summit! We sat for a while and had more snacks. We noticed that the sun came out around this time.
On the way back, we checked out El Capitan and agreed that we wouldn’t feel the need to revisit that one again. The rusted car has a log in the glove compartment and we wrote in that too. The sun and the steep, gravelly downhills…and more uphills made a good portion of the way back challenging…but we made it!!