Beautiful day for a hike. Thanks for the head net recommendations, first time I’ve had to wear one the flies were very thick. I was walking so fast I actually was able to finish in 4 1/2 hours. My goal was 5 1/2 so I was super proud of myself. I hiked on my own. It was a beautiful day to enjoy nature and all the trees as you got closer to the summit, I hiked up the ladder, but did not make it on the rope section. Getting the permit was super easy online. The police building was not open when I got there at 7:45, so I just left my pass on the dashboard and then on my way out. I stopped by to let them know that I was done hiking, safety measures. Beautiful views along the path.

Hike Log
Enjoying Nature
Type of Hike:
Day hike
Trail Conditions:
Trail in good condition
Road suitable for all vehicles
Bugs were terrible
Snow free