Hike Log

First Peak Ever!


Mt Wilson Park

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


Bugs were an annoyance


Snow free

First official peak in the six pack of peaks and my first peak ever!  We arrived at the trailhead around 6:45 am and it was crowded!  Had to park pretty far down the road.  When we (finally) reached the top we wandered around and found the sign (not super easy to find).  Thanks to a fellow six packer who showed us the way!  This was a tough hike!  The weather was mostly nice.  Overcast in the am, warmer in the afternoon.  Great time.  Parking far and walking around uptop added mileage to our total on Gaia.  Now looking for my next peak that is snow free!


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