I got to the trailhead at Icehouse Canyon around 9:00, which is later than I wanted to start but, thankfully, the weather was great. I was surprised to see multiple cabins for the first few miles (are these for rangers?) but the rushing water along the trail was awesome. This was my fist time to this part of the Angeles National forest and the scenery reminded me some of my summer trips to Yosemite when I was younger. The hike itself was a steady incline for essentially the entire six miles up to the peak, but having the temperature in the mid 70's definitely helped. I passed by multiple backpackers on my way up and seeing the campsites at the top really makes me want to come back and send the night at the peak. The views were beautiful and I was able to get some good pictures using the timer on my phone since no one else was at top with me. On the way back down, the temperature rose about 10 degrees and I was happy I brought extra water. I finished right around 3:30 after spending about a half hour at the peak. After this hike, I'm very excited to come back for Baldy and maybe Ontario as well!
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