Hike Log

Forever Burnt in Our Memories Peak 11 of 12, San Bernardino Peak


Angelus Oaks

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Minor obstacles posing few problems


Road suitable for all vehicles


No bugs


Snow free

What a great day it was today! I set out for a solo hike from Angelus Oaks to San Bernardino Peak. A 16.3 mile trek with roughly 4,700 feet in elevation gain. For the most part, I had the trail on my ascent all to myself. I only ran into a few hikers as I neared the summit. A couple, who camped at the summit and were heading down. A solo hiker who passed me about three miles or so from the summit. Saw him again, near the summit, as he descended while I was still climbing. Ran into one more couple descending. They camped at Columbine Spring before heading up early.

Once I made it to the summit, I was all alone. I had about 15 or 20 minutes of solitude before the next hiker summit. He happened to be a fellow SoCal Six Pack of Peaks Challenge, Tim Falk. We chatted for a few minutes and enjoyed the summit. After 15 or 20 minutes he headed back down. I stayed for another 20 minutes and during that time a group of two and a solo hiker arrived at the summit.

Shortly after they arrived, I began my descent. While heading down, there were several groups and solo hikers on their way up. I had the pleasure of running into Richard Oppelaar, who I have met on multiple occasion during the Fools Traverse and the Climb for Heroes. Finally, I ran into Eric Colman “Coleman Outdoors” (YouTube). Spent several minutes talking with him about hiking, camping, and the Six Pack of Peaks. I just watch one of his YouTube videos where, Eric, a definite trail angel for PCTers provide hotdogs, drinks and even Hostess Cupcakes and Twinkies. Great job Eric! You made a lot of PCTers smile through your unselfish actions.

Now, the important part. Trail conditions. First todays weather was absolutely perfect. Winds were forecast to be between 15 and 20 mph. However, I had zero winds when I summited. The trail itself is in pretty good condition, Scarred for sure due the fires, but life is coming back. The first few miles were a little overgrown, but still not bad. There are a few dozen trees throughout the 8 miles of climbing to the summit that require you to either climb over or go around. There are multiple areas on the trail where ash has mixed with the loose dirt. Not an issue if it’s just you hiking. But, if you are hiking with 2 or more hikers, I highly recommend wearing a buff through those areas.

Once again, a great day on the trail. I ran two aps during my hike. One showed 6.3 miles (Samsung S-Health) and the other 6.5 miles (All Trails). Today was my 38th hike of the 52 Hike Challenge 2022 and my 11 peak of the SoCal Six Pack of Peaks Challenge.


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