Hike Log

Fun On The Snows


Vivian Creek Trailhead

Trail Conditions:




Saturday, January 27, 2018: Mt. San Gorgonio

Due to the harsh weather changes last week Jan. 20, 2018, we decided to go back down from the Saddle. #1 attempted was a failure. I learned so much about hiking on the snow trails that day. So, #2 Attempted, we successfully reached the San G peak. We summited San G with snows was a killer. I'm still stoke about it.

The trail conditions during snows.. hmmm lets say. Well, from Vivian Creek to High Creek Camp Ground, there were little snows on some area. So, we didn't used our spikes (microspikes) for 5.5 miles (But I recommend using the Trekking Pole atleast to support oneself and not sliding off. It helps the balance). The trails still easy to follow and definitely not getting lost. From High Creek Camp Ground, we decided to put on the spikes. This was the real deal of the hike. From the bottom until to the San G peak. Crampons/Microspikes were very handy from the bottom of the saddle to the top. As I mentioned this was the real deal. Snows all over the place. No trails to follow (If you have a MAP or GPS or someone that hiked San G before you are in good hand ???). So, we have to make our own trails going up to the Saddle. That should cut some miles ?. Snows were above the knee in some area. As we continued on the trails going up. Everywhere I looked, mountains were covered with snows. So we have to be careful where we go and just follow the trails.

We reached almost or about 1 mile away from San G. Mountains covered with icy snows, slippery and hard to walk on to without the spikes. Plus, the wind started to pick up. Running 20-30 mph. We did alot of stops due to the wind and the icy area. We were on an open area so winds were just blowing us off. No trees to cover us from the gusting wind. We did manage to keep moving up until we summited.

No lie. I was so excited to see San G again but this time. It was covered with snows. And of course, the winds were just blowing us at the top too. It was a harsh wind. But hey, we summited San G “Woot woot”.

I was thankful with everyone from Friends That Hike. Thank you Michael for letting me join this hike. It was a crazy experienced and satisfied feelings. I couldn't summited San G. without you guys. The cheering, the positive attitude and the good vibes, it was amazing. Cheers to all of us.


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