Tough hike today. In fact, this is the toughest hike I've done so far. I'd rate this route as difficult. Three summits tho- with Twin Peaks and Eagle before MDS. Mostly steep and rocky trails, scorching heat (thankful for the spots shade and cool breeze), leg cramps (first experience with that- and just shy of the very vertical last .25 mile to the summit), dehydration, and a dead phone. I did not let the devil win. I reached the summit after four+ hours of hard work, and enjoyed the stunning views before descending. Triumphant and relieved.
A couple of rookie mistakes. Need to plan better. I decided the morning of to hike MD, and hastily prepared. Missed small things that added up: filled only one water bottle with water, the other just ice. I didn't bring a spare battery charger, I downloaded Strava app on a trail- wasn't familar with it, so just used my apple map. Ran out of water, but luckily NP sells water (and treated myself to an ice cream) a few other items at the top (on the weekends only).